Annual Poppy Day Appeal 紅花義賣日

This is our major fundraising event. Traditionally Poppy Day is held through-out the world, on the second Saturday of November, the closest to 11th November.

This is to mark the end of World War I on the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month in 1918.

The poppy was adopted as the symbol of the Royal British Legion because, in the areas of Northern France which saw the heaviest fighting during World War I, it was the only other living thing which survived. Flowering each year it brought life, hope, colour and reassurance to those fighting at the front.


「紅花義賣日」 是協會的大型籌款活動。一直以來,協會於每年11月的第二個星期六在全世界舉行 「紅花義賣日」 ,以紀念1918年11月11日上午11時 ——-第一次世界大戰結束。協會以深紅色的紅花作為象徵,是因為在第一次世界大戰時,於法國北部區戰火最為激烈,而當時就只有這種紅花在戰地裏仍然燦爛地盛開,為前線的軍人帶來生命力、希望,激勵人心。